
Rescue Plumbing
and Heating
Rescue Plumbing
and Heating
Service, Reliability, & Professionalism
â—‹ Welcome To Rescue Plumbing and Heating â—‹
â—‹ Welcome To Rescue Plumbing and Heating â—‹
Over 30 years of successful experience has made Rescue Plumbing and Heating the best to handle your most important residential and commercial needs. We use top quality material, provide prompt and excellent service from routine maintenance to urgent emergencies, hot water, forced hot air, plumbing repairs and installation, and impeccable kitchen and bathroom remodels.
At Rescue Plumbing and Heating we are dedicated to helping those who rely on us. As such, the words, "Service, Reliability, and Professionalism" find true meaning in the the work we do and the customers we service.
Call Us At:
603-942-RESQ (7377)

24 Hours, 7 Days a week
24 Hours, 7 Days a week
Total Commitment & Total Involvement
To our customer, to our trade, to our community
We service all makes and models.

Superior Plumbing
Superior Plumbing
With over 30 years of experience, services get done promptly and with top quality materials and precision excellence.

Heating Service​s
Heating Service​s
We provide heating services, repairs, and installation provided by specialists that are among the best in New England.

Kitchen & Bathrooms
Kitchen & Bathrooms
We offer a wide variety of services covering any residential & commercial plumbing needs, including impeccable kitchen and bathroom remodels.

Rescue Plumbing and Heating is proud to be sponsoring Mike Elliot of Pittsfield, NH in his Rookie year at the Star Speedway.

© 2018 Ctrl S Design and Marketing
© 2018 Ctrl S Design and Marketing